“She never knew he loves her more” (1/1)

Certificate of Authenticity



About the Artwork

"She Never Knew He Loved Her More"


Moments passed in a flitting trance,

Waiting to catch his flirting glance,

But disappointed she never did,

She never knew he loved her more.


Searching the Veil of secrets shared,

Missing moments of euphoria passed,

Heart filled with mixed emotions,

She never knew he loved har more.


With Scars of the past,

A troubled mind,

To be or not to be, what the future holds,

She never knew he loved her more.


Reading through the diary of his silent thoughts,

She brimmed with smiles with a teary eyes,

She never knew he loved her more.


Storm of raging battle within,

Tearing the fabric of her Soul,

Taking a bold Step of faith is all she had,

She never knew he loved her more.


Medium: Oil & Etching on metal-foil on board


24 cm x 20.5 cm





1 in stock

SKU: WAA-2024-20241001202230 Category: